Quddusi Sahab Ki Bewah is a comedy drama which premiered in 2012 onARY Digital The drama series became a hit just after its telecast due to a unique storyline, authentic humor and most importantly due to Hina Dilpazeer's acting and her portrayal of multiple roles and characters which have became an instant hit. It is the follow up Television series of successful telefims written by Fasih Bari Khan and directed by Mazhar Moin.
t is a story of two families living in upper and lower stories of a house. The householder Aleem-ud-Din lives upstairs with his family consisting of his wife Nunhi, a divorced daughter Bhunarya, a son Maqsood and daughter-in-law Rooh Afzaa. While Qudussi's widow, Shakooran live downstairs as tenant with her three daughters Khajusta Jahan, Badraka Jahan, Shagufta Jahan and a son Abdul Wudood Ahmad. Aqeela bhabhi is also a major character who is a neighbor and a good friend of Shakooran. Both the families later on are shifted to a new house which is owned by Shakooran, when Shagufta Jahan is married to Aleem-ud-Din. Aqeela is kicked out of her own house by her sons and lives with Shakooran, who makes her do all the housework.
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